Audio and video technology continues to infiltrate classrooms at the K-12 level as well as in colleges and universities. From wireless microphones, PA systems and electronic whiteboards to video systems for live streaming classes, athletics and special events, Go Electronic carries the products you need from top manufacturers including Telestream, QOMO, Revolabs and Acoustic Magic. Our pricing is very competitive and we will accept purchase orders with net terms from academic institutions.
DISTANCE LEARNING, at its most basic level, takes place when a teacher and student(s) are separated by physical distance, and technology (i.e., voice, video, data, and print) is used to bridge the instructional gap. Distance education can provide adults with a second chance at a college education, reach those disadvantaged by limited time, distance or physical disability, and update the knowledge base of workers at their places of employment. Video is becoming more widely used as a technological option for the distance educator. A video camera can be used to record lectures for the purpose of producing a video library of lectures. Video cameras can also be used for real-time one-way or two-way video conferencing with two-way audio conferencing. Interactive audio or video conferencing can provide real time face-to-face (or voice-to-voice) interaction. This is also an excellent and cost-effective way to incorporate guest speakers and content experts.
DOCUMENT CAMERAS can be found in most classrooms as they have replaced the old overhead projectors. A document camera is able to magnify and project the images of actual, three-dimensional objects, as well as transparencies. This allows a teacher, lecturer or presenter to write on a sheet of paper or to display a two or three-dimensional object while the audience watches. Theoretically, all objects can be displayed by a document camera. Most objects are simply placed under the camera. The camera takes the picture which in turn produces a live picture using a projector. As a real-time image capture device for displaying an object to a large audience, the document camera gives all students in a classroom a better view of what the presenter is sharing. Additionally, the room lighting does not have to be darkened to operate a document camera; in a classroom setting this is an asset. What one might assume to be an expensive upgrade of the old overhead projector, many view to be a great asset and tool to use in order to help students visualize what they are learning.
AUDIENCE RESPONSE SYSTEMS (ARS) allow large groups of people to vote on a topic or answer a question. Each person has a device with which selections can be made. Each remote communicates with a computer via a receiver connected to the presenter's computer using a USB connector. After a set time - or after all participants have answered - the system ends the polling for that particular question and tabulates the results. Typically, the results are instantly made available to the participants via a bar graph displayed on the projector. Audience response systems offer many potential benefits in the classroom: 1. Improve attentiveness 2. Increase knowledge retention 3. Poll anonymously 4. Track individual responses 5. Display polling results immediately 6. Create an interactive and fun learning environment 7. Confirm audience understanding of key points immediately.
WIRELESS MICROPHONES have several applications in the area of education including lecture capture, podcasting and speech recognition. Providing true freedom of movement, Revolabs' wireless microhpone systems make a terrific choice in classroom environments. Teachers can speak in a normal voice and all of the students can hear every word; this is especially beneficial for hearing-impaired students. The Revolabs wireless systems provide eight hours of talk time, a full school day, so there are no batteries or battery packs to worry about. Featuring easy USB-based connection to personal computers and instantly recognized by all operating systems.
VOICE TRACKER I Acoustic Magic's Voice Tracker I is the preferred microphone for lecture recording because it can capture questions and comments from the class as well as lecture from the professor as he moves around the room. More than 300 schools and universities use the Voice Tracker I. The Voice Tracker I is recommended by the major suppliers of classroom recording software such as Tegrity, Echo 360, Panopto, etc. The Voice Tracker I has a 30-foot pickup range with a 360° field of view, it is easy to set up (no IT support required), it has zero cross talk from the adjoining classrooms (as can occur with wireless mics), it does not require batteries (which can cause failed recordings if they die), and it is extremely reliable.
DISTANCE LEARNING, at its most basic level, takes place when a teacher and student(s) are separated by physical distance, and technology (i.e., voice, video, data, and print) is used to bridge the instructional gap. Distance education can provide adults with a second chance at a college education, reach those disadvantaged by limited time, distance or physical disability, and update the knowledge base of workers at their places of employment. Video is becoming more widely used as a technological option for the distance educator. A video camera can be used to record lectures for the purpose of producing a video library of lectures. Video cameras can also be used for real-time one-way or two-way video conferencing with two-way audio conferencing. Interactive audio or video conferencing can provide real time face-to-face (or voice-to-voice) interaction. This is also an excellent and cost-effective way to incorporate guest speakers and content experts.
DOCUMENT CAMERAS can be found in most classrooms as they have replaced the old overhead projectors. A document camera is able to magnify and project the images of actual, three-dimensional objects, as well as transparencies. This allows a teacher, lecturer or presenter to write on a sheet of paper or to display a two or three-dimensional object while the audience watches. Theoretically, all objects can be displayed by a document camera. Most objects are simply placed under the camera. The camera takes the picture which in turn produces a live picture using a projector. As a real-time image capture device for displaying an object to a large audience, the document camera gives all students in a classroom a better view of what the presenter is sharing. Additionally, the room lighting does not have to be darkened to operate a document camera; in a classroom setting this is an asset. What one might assume to be an expensive upgrade of the old overhead projector, many view to be a great asset and tool to use in order to help students visualize what they are learning.
AUDIENCE RESPONSE SYSTEMS (ARS) allow large groups of people to vote on a topic or answer a question. Each person has a device with which selections can be made. Each remote communicates with a computer via a receiver connected to the presenter's computer using a USB connector. After a set time - or after all participants have answered - the system ends the polling for that particular question and tabulates the results. Typically, the results are instantly made available to the participants via a bar graph displayed on the projector. Audience response systems offer many potential benefits in the classroom: 1. Improve attentiveness 2. Increase knowledge retention 3. Poll anonymously 4. Track individual responses 5. Display polling results immediately 6. Create an interactive and fun learning environment 7. Confirm audience understanding of key points immediately.
WIRELESS MICROPHONES have several applications in the area of education including lecture capture, podcasting and speech recognition. Providing true freedom of movement, Revolabs' wireless microhpone systems make a terrific choice in classroom environments. Teachers can speak in a normal voice and all of the students can hear every word; this is especially beneficial for hearing-impaired students. The Revolabs wireless systems provide eight hours of talk time, a full school day, so there are no batteries or battery packs to worry about. Featuring easy USB-based connection to personal computers and instantly recognized by all operating systems.
VOICE TRACKER I Acoustic Magic's Voice Tracker I is the preferred microphone for lecture recording because it can capture questions and comments from the class as well as lecture from the professor as he moves around the room. More than 300 schools and universities use the Voice Tracker I. The Voice Tracker I is recommended by the major suppliers of classroom recording software such as Tegrity, Echo 360, Panopto, etc. The Voice Tracker I has a 30-foot pickup range with a 360° field of view, it is easy to set up (no IT support required), it has zero cross talk from the adjoining classrooms (as can occur with wireless mics), it does not require batteries (which can cause failed recordings if they die), and it is extremely reliable.



